
English Teaching Jobs in

English Teaching Jobs in Taiwan overlay
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Are you looking to TEFL in Taiwan – look no further.

Because of trading links, there is sometimes a preference in Taiwan for teachers with a North American accent. The preference for an American accent can filter down to the students too, who may clamour for an American instructor rather than, for example, Australian or British. However, if you’re a native speaker with clear pronunciation, it shouldn’t matter where you’re from as most schools will be happy to hire you. Another discriminating factor with hiring in Taiwan is that there seems to be a preference for younger teachers, particularly those in their late twenties. However, if you’re experienced, qualified, and interview well, you shouldn’t face too much adversity. There will always be employers out there who appreciate a more seasoned teacher .

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Where to find work in Taiwan

Some teachers turn up in Taiwan and look for a job once they arrive, which is easy to do with so many buxiban  (cram schools) in popular areas, and the fact that you might be able to get a 60/90 day renewable tourist visa. If you stay in a hostel popular with foreign travellers, you’ll likely be able to find other guests or staff who can help you make job connections. However, don’t jump at the first job you’re offered as quality varies. It’s recommended to try and speak to current teachers and even sit in on a couple of classes to get a feel for the school before agreeing to a contract. Schools will expect to be contacted by email/telephone before you turn up on the doorstep.

Freelancing can be lucrative in Taiwan, but you need to also have an official job for your visa, which is sponsored by a school, so one to one lessons can only be a side gig. Once you’re established, it’s prudent to ask for lesson fees in advance – some teachers in Taiwan report that students are unwilling to pay for lessons they don’t turn up to, or cancel at short notice, leaving teachers out of pocket. Even for full-time jobs, most are paid by the hour.

Employers in Taiwan

Gloria English School prefers American/Canadian applicants for their 18 cram schools. You need a BA degree and a TEFL certificate.

Hess Education has over 200 branches in Taiwan. You need a BA degree and a criminal background check from your home country.

Jump Start have English Immersion cram schools looking for native speakers for their early childhood classes, kids aged 2-15. You need a degree, ideally in early childhood/education.

Kang Ning English School has 7 branches seeking teachers with a passport from the USA, the UK, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, or South Africa, who have a BA degree.

Kid Castle has language schools, after school programs and preschool programs, for classes of up to 20 students. Candidates need to have a BA degree, a passport from the USA, the UK, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, or South Africa.

KNS seeks teachers with a passport from the approved list, a BA degree, and a criminal background check.

Kojen ELS has 35 teaching centres and hires teachers from approved countries with a BA degree and a TEFL certificate.

You need a BA degree, a criminal background check, and a TEFL to apply to Reach to Teach  in Taiwan. 1-year contracts, salary around NT$50,000 – NT$65,000 per month. 20-25 teaching hours per week.

Shane English School hires through Saxoncourt Recruitment for their franchise schools in Taiwan. You need to be a native speaker, have a BA degree and a TEFL certificate.

Check out The TEFL Org Jobs Centre  for listings of current teaching positions in Taiwan.

Tealit is a great website for finding TEFL jobs in Taiwan as well as searching for flat shares and roommates, teaching information and more .

Discover in-depth information about teaching English in Taiwan.

Read our Taiwan Country Guide for info about salaries, living costs & requirements

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