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Vietnam Semester Teaching Positions August 2019 – Key information We want to ensure that all of our applicants have been provided with accurate information by our TEFL partners. Please read the information below and if you are unclear about anything please contact us at vietnam@fluenteducation.com. You will be asked to sign to confirm that you […]

Vietnam Semester Teaching Positions August 2019 - Key information

We want to ensure that all of our applicants have been provided with accurate information by our TEFL partners. Please read the information below and if you are unclear about anything please contact us at vietnam@fluenteducation.com . You will be asked to sign to confirm that you have read, understood and agree to the terms and conditions.

  • The goal is to give teachers their first international teaching experience. Although most teachers combine the semester with travel in the region, these are professional teaching positions and not a holiday program.
  • Teachers work a 35-hour week of which 20 hours is classroom teaching and 15 are lesson preparation and teacher admin. A teacher will usually be in class for 4 hours per day for 5 days per week. These teaching hours are not usually consecutive. Travel time to, from or between schools is in addition to in the 35 hours. Teachers often teach at several schools.
  • The public school week in Vietnam is Mon – Sat. Some teachers work at language schools, which may have classes on Sundays. All teachers will have at least one full day off per week and usually two but the 20 contact hours will be spread across the week according to the individual timetables of the schools and in some cases a teacher may sometimes teach on 6 days of the week.
  • Age group preferences are requested but cannot be guaranteed. Location preferences cannot be considered unless a specific reason for the request is given.
  • Teachers receive a salary of $700 per month (paid in Vietnamese Dong and set at the exchange rate 2 weeks prior to arrival) and a completion bonus of $700 (in VND upon completion of the semester).
  • The commitment is for the semester. If a teacher leaves early it causes considerable problems for the school. In this case, the teacher will forfeit their completion bonus and semester completion certificate. They may also be required to reimburse the school up to $500 for work permit, pre-paid accommodation expenses and outstanding bills.
  • Accommodation is provided and, although furnished and clean, is basic by western standards. In most cases, bills of US$30 per month (electricity, water and WiFi) + US$30 per month transport to/from schools will be deducted by the schools from the salary.
  • A teacher is expected to dress and behave professionally at all times.
  • A teacher must bring his/her original documents (degree, police check and TESOL certificate) to Vietnam with them in order to apply for the work permit. A work permit contribution and visa extension fee of US$250 is payable in cash to Fluent upon arrival.
  • Meals are provided during orientation week but not during the semester. Fluent Ed. will do our best to meet dietary requirements during orientation week. However, once at your local school, you will need to make your own meal choices and we do not guarantee that specific foods will be available.
  • A health check is required in Vietnam for your work permit. Fluent Ed. asks applicants to declare chronic health conditions on application so that we can assess whether they will adversely impact the health check.
  • Teachers require insurance which will cover them for the duration of their time in Vietnam and includes cover for the workplace (working holiday policy).
  • Teachers are advised to discuss vaccinations with a health professional.
  • A significant degree of flexibility and open-mindedness is required to live and work within in the local community. It should be recognized that homesickness and culture shock are experienced by most teachers at some point during the semester.

Terms and Conditions

This document sets out the terms and conditions between the applicant (referred to as ‘you’ or ‘I’) and Fluent Education.

My Application

1. I accept that Fluent Education retains the right to decline any application that does not meet eligibility criteria. 2. I understand that a position is not guaranteed until an offer has been made by a school. 3. I understand that if I choose not to complete the application process no refund of my application fee will be due to me. 4. I am committed to teaching English in Vietnam for the entire semester. 5. I am committed to carrying out my teaching duties and other responsibilities in a professional manner and to a high standard. 6. I am sufficiently fit and healthy to take up a one semester teaching position. 7. I have declared any chronic health conditions since these may impact my ability to pass a health check and obtain a work permit in Vietnam. 8. I have declared any medication I am required to take on a regular basis since this may impact my ability to pass a health check and obtain a work permit in Vietnam. 9. I understand the duties and functions of an English language teacher. 10. As a teacher of English, I understand the importance of giving students an accurate model of written English (using limited technology) and confirm that I am able to do so. I understand that if I am not able to do this it could result in a school terminating my contract. 11. As a teacher of English, I understand the importance of giving students a clear model of spoken English and confirm that I am able to do so. I understand that if I am not able to do this it could result in a school terminating my contract. 12. I confirm that I am willing to remove any facial piercings and/or fully cover any tattoos while teaching since I understand that these would not conform to the dress code requirements for teachers in Vietnam. 13. I confirm that all information provided in my application is true and complete. 14. I understand that my preferences in regard to age groups are not guaranteed. 15. I understand that I cannot change my school once my position is confirmed. 16. I understand that I must have successfully completed my TEFL/TESOL course by at latest one month prior to the program start date (or earlier as specified by my course provider) and I understand that failure to do so will result in my application being void and no refund will be possible. 17. I understand that it is my responsibility to read all information provided to me by Fluent Education including but not limited to my confirmation of letter, handbook and frequently asked questions in preparation for my stay in Vietnam.

Passport, visa and work permit

18. I have a valid passport, which will have more than 6 months validity and four blank pages at the time of arrival. 19. I will submit a clean criminal record check prior to the commencement of the semester. 20. I will ensure that I bring the relevant original documents to Vietnam with me. 21. If required, I will bring legalised documents with me. I understand that I am responsible for the costs of legalisation. 22. I will participate and pay for a health check in Vietnam. 23. I understand that I am responsible for the cost of obtaining a visa to enter Vietnam. 24. I agree to make payment for the visa extension and work permit fee of $250 in cash upon arrival in Vietnam. 25. I understand that if I do not provide the relevant original documents (and legalised documents as required) for my work permit application, then I will not be able to take up my position and no refund of any fee or any related costs (including but not limited to flights, visas, vaccinations and document preparation) will be due to me. 26. I understand that if I am not granted a work permit for any reason, then I will need to leave my position and no refund of fee or any related costs (including but not limited to flights, visas, vaccinations and document preparation) will be due to me. 27. I understand that if I leave my position prior to the agreed semester end-date, my work permit will be cancelled by my school and I will be liable to reimburse my school for fees paid by them for my work permit. 28. If I overstay my visa or work illegally in Vietnam, I understand that neither Fluent Education nor my school will take responsibility for my actions and I will be liable for any penalties with which Vietnamese immigration may charge me.

My teaching position

29. I understand that Fluent Education will not be my employer in Vietnam and that I will be directly employed by a local school or educational organization. 30. I understand that the quality of accommodation in Vietnam is likely to be far more basic than I am used to in my home country. 31. I understand that I will be teaching up to 20 hours per week and working for up to an additional 15 hours per week to plan lessons and complete teacher administration tasks such as marking across 5-6 days per week. This is a total of 35 working hours per week. 32. I understand that this is a paid teaching position and that I will not be able to take long weekends or time off to travel during the semester. 33. I understand that I may be asked to submit lesson plans to my school in advance of teaching. 34. I understand that my classes may be observed by staff at the school or the department of education. 35. I understand that the location, type of school, ages of classes and timetable will vary from school to school.

Conduct and Behaviour

36. I will co-operate fully with supervisors on behalf of and in co-operation with Fluent Education and my school and abide by any reasonable instructions they may give. 37. If I engage in behaviour that is deemed inappropriate for my role as a teacher in Vietnam, my school. may remove me from my position. In this case Fluent Education may not be able to secure me an alternative position. 38. If my school removes me from my position on the basis of poor performance or breach of contract, Fluent Education may not be able to find me an alternative position. 39. I will obey all Vietnamese laws, customs and rules that apply to all foreign teachers while working at schools in Vietnam.

40. If I do not complete the semester, I accept that I will forfeit my completion bonus, my work permit will be cancelled and my school may withhold salary owing to me in order to compensate themselves for expenses undertaken on my behalf. 41. I will not accept any employment in Vietnam with an employer other than my school who is my work permit sponsor for the duration of the semester. I understand that this would constitute a breach of my work permit. 42. I will not seek to alter the conditions of my contract with my school during the semester.

Rights and Liabilities

43. Any images taken of me during orientation week belong to Fluent Education and I waive any rights to these images. 44. I will not hold Fluent Education, its officers, affiliates, agents, or employees liable for any loss, damage, personal injury, delay or expense suffered or incurred by me for any reason. 45. Fluent Ed.ucation, its officers, affiliates, agents and employees may, without liability or expense to themselves, take whatever action they deem appropriate with regard to my health and safety and may place me in a hospital or health-related facility for medical services and treatment or, if no hospital or health-related facility is readily available, may place me in the hands of a local medical doctor or health provider for treatment or service. 46. I understand that working conditions are subject to local norms and will not be the same as those in my home country. 47. I understand that local schools operate under the workplace health and safety requirements of Vietnam and not of my home country. 48. I understand that local transport and road laws will not be the same as those in my home country. 49. I confirm that I hold/will hold comprehensive travel and medical insurance with coverage for a workplace overseas and which is valid for the duration of my stay in Vietnam. 50. I understand that Fluent Education will not pay for any medical care I might require whilst in Vietnam. 51. I have had / will have any immunisations and travel vaccinations advised by my doctor for entry into Vietnam. 52. I understand that all travel abroad carries with it a degree of risk that I may not be subject to in my home country.

Other Matters

53. Indemnity: I indemnify, without limitation, Fluent Education, its officers, affiliates, agents and employees, against any loss or damage suffered by any of them, or any claims made against any of them as a result of any breach or negligence by me during my stay in Vietnam. 54. Indemnity: I indemnify, without limitation, Fluent Education, its officers, affiliates, agents and employees, against any loss or damage suffered by any of them, or any claims made against any of them as a result of any accident or illness suffered by me during my stay in Vietnam. 55. Complaints: If I want to complain about any service provided by Fluent Education, its suppliers or affiliates, I will first inform the supplier of the service in order to give the supplier the chance to rectify the problem. If the supplier does not satisfactorily rectify the problem, I will put my complaint in writing to Fluent Education who will do its best to rectify the problem. No complaint will be considered if the above procedure is not followed. 56. Flights: Fluent Education cannot be held responsible for any action, negligence or event relating to the purchase or operation of flight tickets or flights. Further, Fluent Education will not be responsible for any costs or refunds due to changes or delays in flights. 57. Force Majeure: Fluent Education does not accept responsibility or liability for changes to or cancellation of the orientation week or contracted semester in the event or threat of war, terrorism or threat of terrorism, fire, sickness, bad weather, acts of government or local authority (including but not limited to changes in employment or immigration legislation), acts of nature, or other events or circumstances which amount to a “force majeure” and which are beyond the control of Fluent Education.

Please note, the information in all Fluent Education publications is believed to be correct, but any errors or omissions are deemed to be inadvertent and beyond our control.

Please note that when you upload your supporting documents you will be asked to sign online to confirm that you have read this document, understand the information given and agree to the terms and conditions.

Internship fees

58. A 50% deposit of the internship fee ($497.50) is payable at time of booking. If you application is successful, we will contact you to arrange the payment of the remaining balance. If however your application is unsuccessful, you will get a part refund of the 50% deposit minus the full price of the 140-hour Premier TEFL Course.