Once you have completed your accredited TEFL course you can start searching for a job. At this point you will have to decide whether you want to teach English in a school, in a busy classroom, or enter into freelance teaching and teach one-to-one. We have compared the two here to help you decide which type […]
Once you have completed your TEFL course you will nearly be ready to start applying for jobs. One of the most important aspects of looking for a job in any field is to build a solid resume that will be attractive to employers and help you stand out from competitors. Many jobs these days are […]
Teaching English as a foreign language has never been in such high demand. Countries across the world consider a strong English speaking population imperative for future economic growth, as trade between the western world and non-English speaking countries grows. The result is an increasingly diverse range of English learners. Depending on where you find yourself […]
If you are looking for work during the summer or something to do during (or instead of) a gap year, teaching English overseas could be exactly what you are searching for. As well as earning money, you’ll be able to add valuable international work experience to your CV as well as gain a whole host […]
Alice Darby shares her experience of taking a 120-hour TEFL Course. Teaching English as a Foreign Language is fast becoming a popular way of escaping the vices of cosmopolitan life for the English-speaking Commonwealth. More excitingly TEFL teaching is a career path which genuinely allows you to save whilst travel (no, you’re not dreaming!)… There are […]
Many EFL schools now ask teachers to conduct a demonstration lesson as part of the application process. While most teachers find this part of the process to be more nerve-wracking than the interview, it needn’t be that way. You just need to prepare like you would for any lesson. So, why a demonstration lesson? The […]
Rachel (24) from Aberdeen got in touch to tell us about her TEFL experience. After doing a 140-hour TEFL course with us she is currently working in the city of Sárospatak in northeast Hungary. Being interested in communication and foreign languages, TEFL was possibly the best choice for me. I was away to graduate from […]
Home means being surrounded by the people who know you best. These family members, colleagues and friends have been around for ages and you can rely on their care and/or support in whatever the circumstances. Do you remember your first day at school? All of a sudden you were in unfamiliar surroundings in the midst […]
When is the best time to look for Summer School positions? I’d say start looking around Easter but you can still find jobs as late as June – this is when Summer School organisers know the real numbers of kids coming to stay. Where are Summer Schools typically located? In Europe and the United Kingdom […]
Perhaps you’re thinking about doing a TEFL course, maybe you feel they are only for college students, maybe you reckon you need to be multilingual – here are some surprising things you may not know. 1. TEFL is not just for the under 25s As an adventure teaching English abroad has always been a popular choice for students, indeed […]