
The TEFL Org Blog


5 cultural differences TEFL teachers need to know about Vietnam

5 cultural differences TEFL teachers need to know about Vietnam

A perennially popular TEFL destination, Vietnam is a fascinating country to live and work in. Featuring both colossal cities and beautiful countryside, fascinating history and modernist fashion, the contrasts of Vietnam make it an adventurer’s dream. As futuristic as Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City are in places, there’s also immense respect for the distant past […]

How not to write a TEFL cover letter

How not to write a TEFL cover letter

Writing a TEFL cover letter can be an art form. Executed well, it can be the difference between having your job application ignored and getting an interview. It’s a fantastic medium to express yourself, highlight the finer points of your career, and explain what you’d bring to a specific job role.  We’ve written all about […]

The TEFL job application guide

The TEFL job application guide

Congratulations! If you’re reading this, you’re very likely a qualified TEFL teacher and you’re ready to take on the world as a brilliant English educator. You’ve made a very smart decision – well done you. Yes indeed, you’ve got through your TEFL course and now there’s a whole suite of options available to you. You […]

Where to find TEFL jobs

Where to find TEFL jobs

Well done, you’re TEFL certified. Now, you’re looking to get out into the exciting English teaching job market, with a certificate in hand, and you’re wondering where to go.  As it is for most things these days, the internet is the place to search for English teaching work. Yes, among all the arguments with strangers […]

Thailand’s new Destination Visa for digital nomads 

Thailand’s new Destination Visa for digital nomads 

If you haven’t already heard, there’s been a substantial change in the TEFL game, especially if you’re interested in teaching in Thailand, and you’re a digital nomad. The Land of Smiles has long been a fantastic destination for TEFL teachers. Whether you’re in search of long-term employment through a school or another educational institution, or […]

5 key things TEFL teachers need to know about South Korea

5 key things TEFL teachers need to know about South Korea

All the time, people ask us about teaching in South Korea. It’s an amazingly popular TEFL destination, a country that holds enormous intrigue in terms of its history, culture, breathtaking sights and its politics.  East Asia, more broadly, captivates the attention of TEFL teachers from across the globe, and South Korea, with its megacities like […]

The TEFL Org guide to Euro 2024

The TEFL Org guide to Euro 2024

Once again, Europe holds its breath. The absolute cream of the continent’s talent squares off in Germany for one of the most compelling European Championships of recent generations. With so many squads in flux, some absolutely obscene talent appearing just in time for this summer, and some real dark horses emerging from the shadows, there’s […]

The safest countries for LGBTQ+ TEFL teachers

The safest countries for LGBTQ+ TEFL teachers

There are typical concerns for TEFL teachers looking to travel abroad; am I qualified? Do I have the right visa? Will I be able to plan engaging and constructive lessons?  For TEFL teachers in the LGBTQ+ community, though, there are more pressing concerns when picking a country to go and teach in. While vast swathes […]

How Drama Can Help In TEFL

How Drama Can Help In TEFL

DRAMA! We thought we’d start this blog post with a flourish because this week we’re talking about the sheer variety of activities TEFL teachers have when it comes to drama. Don’t say we can’t establish a tone around here. By drama, of course, we don’t mean confrontations with students. We’re talking about some of the […]

5 cultural differences for TEFL teachers to know about Spain

5 cultural differences for TEFL teachers to know about Spain

Ah, Spain. España is and will continue to be a TEFL destination that people flock to for decades and decades to come. With its incredible weather, gorgeous food, beaches, fascinating history, party islands, diverse cultures and languages and so much more, it’s no wonder Spain is popular. Plus, there’s considerable demand for English lessons. Its […]