This school is looking for enthusiastic, flexible, professional, and dedicated TESL teachers. They are seeking professionals to provide active, student-centered classes. They believe in a communicative approach where grammar plays a strategic role in oral production. Teachers are encouraged to prepare extra materials to support their students' learning processes. English Partners expects you to have the necessary skills to strategically engage your students on-line. All of your students will be professional adults based in Chile.
- 60-90 min. classes with business professionals.
- One-on-one and small group classes.
- Pay range 12-25 USD per hour based on education, varied topic know-how (ESL/ESP) and on-line adult teaching experience.
- Scheduled students for 2–6-month periods.
What makes them stand out?
Teach & Earn from day 1: They automatically assign students to your free slots depending on your availability and strengths, so there's no need to market yourself to many different schools. EP doesn't believe in rotation of teachers, which is why we ask for a firm commitment.
Flexibility: Teachers decide on their own schedule and do not have to do any minimum number of classes. Of course, they prefer if teachers take on as many of our classes as possible.
Student Level and needs predetermined: All of EP's students have been evaluated with standardized tests and oral examinations. The main goal of the programs is to increase the fluency of students in those areas that are important to them and the companies for whom they work.
EP's ideal candidate attributes:
- ESL/Celta certified. Classes should have structure and clear goals and objectives.
- Native-level English speaker
- Can easily engage on a variety of business topics
- Passionate about helping people achieve their English language goals and ambitions
- Active listening and appropriate correction skills
- Excellent interpersonal and soft skills
You'll catch EP's eye if you:
- Are ESL or Celta certified
- Are a native-level speaker and have soft skills
- Have experience teaching online classes
- Want to become part of a team of dedicated teachers
- Have a can-do attitude and are willing to improve your knowledge of different business sectors
- Consider yourself tech-savvy